home care, aged care, yellow door
home care, aged care, yellow door

Home Care or Aged Care Facility: Which is the best choice for you?

Choosing between home care and an aged care facility? Discover the benefits and challenges of each option to make an informed decision that suits your needs and preferences. Deciding between home care and an aged care facility depends on various factors including your loved one’s health, preferences, and support needs. Here are some considerations for each option:

Home Care


  • Comfort and Familiarity: Staying in one’s own home can be more comfortable and less disorienting.
  • Personalised Care: Care can be tailored to your loved one’s specific needs and routines up to 24 hours per day with Yellow Door Care.
  • Independence: Allows for greater independence and flexibility in daily activities.
  • Cost: Depending on the level of care your loved one needs, it can sometimes be less expensive than moving to a full-time care facility.
  • Specialised Services: Access to allied health such as physiotherapy and podiatry in your own home
  • Choice of Meal Service: Choose your own meal service or have a care worker assist you with meal preparation in your own home.


  • Care Limitations: Depending on the level of care required, home care might not be sufficient, especially for those with complex medical needs. If your loved one requires more than 16 hours of care per week, then there will likely be out of pocket expenses called “Top-Up” fees.
  • Isolation: Your loved one might feel isolated if there are fewer social interactions compared to an aged care facility.
  • Caregiver Burnout: Family caregivers can experience stress and fatigue, impacting their own well-being. Home Care like Yellow Door can provide the assistance you need to help your loved one stay at home by providing your respite so that you can continue your caring role.

Aged Care Facility


  • 24/7 Care: Provides continuous medical and personal care, which is ideal for those with significant health needs.
  • Social Interaction: Facilities often offer a social program with other residents which provide social activities and community interactions, which can reduce feelings of loneliness.
  • Respite for Families: Offers relief to family members who might otherwise be primary caregivers.


  • Adjustment Period: Moving to a new environment can be challenging and require adjustment. Changing your home environment later in life can be quite challenging for everyone.
  • Cost: Can be more expensive, depending on the level of care and facility.
  • Less Flexibility: Structured schedules and routines according to the facility may not suit your loved one’s preferences.
  • Location: Sometimes the best facility to suit your loved one is far away from family members

Ultimately, the choice depends on the specific needs and wishes of the individual, as well as the practicalities of each option. It might be helpful to consult with a healthcare professional or a care advisor to determine the best fit. To read more on the pros and cons of Home Care versus Aged Care Facility, read another blog on this topic here.

To compare the costs of Aged Care Facilities and Home Care, head to Aged Care Guide online or My Aged Care for their comparison tools or use our simple Home Care Budget Calculator to create your own home care budget.

What Services and Support Can I afford?

At Yellow Door, we understand that planning for home care can be both overwhelming and complex. That’s why we’ve developed an easy-to-use Package Calculator to help you create a customised care package that fits your needs and budget.

Explore our Package Calculator, an interactive tool tailored to help you navigate your government-funded healthcare options. Easily assess different service combinations, see how you can best use your allocated funds, and identify if you’ll need to cover any extra costs.

Self-funded? You can also use the calculator to get a clear picture of your typical healthcare spending. Make informed decisions about your healthcare with our straightforward and helpful Package Calculator.

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